
Classmates of William Shakespeare is rightly called the largest humanist of the Renaissance. The creative legacy of the great playwright of all time includes 11 tragedies, 17 comedies, 10 histories, and poems. In the plays of the English writer reflected in different ages and Nations. His works had a huge influence on all European literature. One of the most enigmatic artists of the word set before mankind the question: "to be or not to be?" giving everyone the opportunity to find myself an answer.

A light Comedy from Shakespeare, not burdened with deep meaning. The simple storyline, which on close examination is not tenable, but if we take a certain amount of assumptions, and quite amusing. One day, one place had 2 sets of twins, absolutely to resemble each other, each pair gave the same name. The parents of one of the pair bought a second pair of twins in the service of his (Oh the times! Oh the customs!).

Shakespeare lyric is less important, perhaps, than Shakespeare the playwright. Of course, in the perception of foreign language poetry is very much determined by the translation. If not knowing good enough English, read translation of Shakespeare's sonnets, then, as a rule, it is perceived as a set of words with meaning.

"Windsor scoffer" not the most famous Shakespeare play, but here is the image of "eternal child" Falstaff a kind of provincial don Juan, "retired", has completely drunken, but still dragging behind the local beauties though now not for love, but only for fat wallets of their husbands. And he, in my opinion, and he did not know why he get all the money.

In short, the image of the Jolly old knight (even suggests a parallel with the ancient Satyr, no wonder Falstaff in the story wore a costume of a horned) very memorable.

This play was written by Royal order wedding of Princess and being raised in the Palace, soon went into oblivion. It would seem that scandal: one of the greatest creations of genius, it can be said, the will was misunderstood by his contemporaries blunt, which some entertainment for the mind (here it is appropriate to say something trite like "there is no prophet in the Fatherland"). Fortunately, then the world was artists the pre-Raphaelites, who lifted the play to the skies (at the same time expelling from oblivion by William Blake). Everyone is happy and clapping.

Very, very unusual piece. Leaving aside duty for Shakespeare the conventions of the story (such as the naive motif of the three caskets, primitive casuistry of a Portion in the decision of the case of the pound of meat, etc.), and go straight to the things that touched my soul. First, it is the militant anti-Semitism. The attacks against Judaism and Jews are rude and full of anger. Surprisingly meet a hatred of Shakespeare. However, here there are nuances.

Back in 1602 was released that the second variant of this catastrophe, this time around about the manuscript of this creator. Quarto 1604 double the quantity of text. In spite of the fact that it's correct, the very first quarto includes its own worth, because it several details make it possible for to estimate about the way was that the drama on point. Ultimately when, right after Shakespeare's departure his good friends printed a group of his own comedies, tragedies along with chronicle, the so called folio 1623, there were also placed and "Hamlet".

Falstaff is the Central character of the plays of William Shakespeare: a historical chronicle "Henry IV" and Comedy "Windsor scoffer" (1597). One of the most popular comic characters of Shakespeare. In the image of his hero, the playwright, "combined" the two real historical persons. It was sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobam who, despite his noble origins, to the sect of Lollards (the forerunners of the puritans), speaking with diatribes against Catholic churches and burned for heresy in 1417. Another prototype F.
